Watch Pollution, 10 CCTVs Are Installed Again In Cileungsi River Sepajang

BOGOR - The Bogor Regency Environment Agency (DLH) in West Java (West Java) added 10 units of surveillance cameras or CCTV to monitor environmental pollution in the Cileungsi River.

"The addition of around 10 units this year is hopefully enough," said Head of the Bogor Regency Environmental Law Enforcement Team DLH, Dyan Heru Sutjahyo in Cibinong, Bogor, Tuesday, May 14, as reported by Antara.

With this addition, the total CCTV along Cileungsi is 18 units to supervise more optimal environmental pollution activities.

The surveillance camera is monitored for 24 hours by operators from the Bogor Regency DLH, and if there is any activity of alleged pollution within the operator will make a report to the integrated team to follow up.

In addition to utilizing the use of CCTV, the integrated law enforcement team also established surveillance posts at points where environmental pollution often occurs, especially by industry.

Dyan Heru explained that this integrated team had been working for three months since October-December 2023 to monitor and handle allegations of pollution due to business activities around the river.

Through the three posts established in Cikuda, Parung Dengdek, and the Canadian Bridge, the integrated team routinely monitors and takes action against as many as seven industries that are declared infringement.

The seven industries were caught disposing of waste into the Cileungsi River with a quality standard of waste water outside the provisions. Thus, the team took action in the form of closing the waste channel and providing administrative witnesses in accordance with Law number 32 of 2009 concerning environmental protection and management.

This integrated team consists of a number of regional apparatus from the Bogor Regency Government such as DLH, the Settlement and Land Housing Service (DPKPP), the Public Works and Spatial Planning Service (DPUPR), the Communication and Information Office (Diskominfo), the Trade and Industry Office (Disperdagin), Satpol PP.

Then, vertical agencies such as the TNI-Polri and the Regional Public Company (Perumda) of Drinking Water Tirta Kahuripan.

This integrated monitoring also involves the Pollution Control Task Force and damage to the Cileungsi sub-watershed (DAS) and Cikeas sub-watershed, which have been formed through Governor Decree Number 614/Kep.82-DLH/2020.