Kejari Sets Kadiscope UKM Padangsidimpuan Suspect Corruption

The Padangsidimpuan District Attorney, North Sumatra, has named the Head of the Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, Padangsidimpuan Industry and Trade Office with the initials RP as a suspect in the alleged corruption case of the 2021 regional work unit meeting and consulting budget.

"Today, the Padangsidimpuan Kejari has named a suspect and detained the RP who serves as Head of the Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, Industry and Trade," said the Head of the Padangsidimpuan Kejari Lambok M. Sidabutar in Padangsidimpuan City as reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 13.

Lambok melanjutkan tim penyidik melakukan penahan terhadap RP selama 20 hari ke depan berdasarkan surat perintah penahan Nomor: Print-01/L.2.15/Fd/05/2024 tanggal 13 Mei 2024.

He explained that the construction of this case is in the list of changes to the budget implementation (DPPA) of the work unit of the Perindag Padangsidimpuan SME Discope in 2021, there is an allocation of the budget for holding coordination and consultation meetings of Rp1,416,903,000.

The fact that the budget law for the implementation of coordination meetings and SKPD is used for ASN official travel has been realized in the amount of Rp915,329,100 for official trips outside the region and Rp1,800,000 for official trips within the region so that the total is accounted for at Rp917,129,100.

However, prosecutors' investigators found that official trips outside or within the area in part or all of these activities were not carried out, aka fictitious.

However, the allocation of funds for official travel is still paid and evidence of accountability is made as if the official trip was realized.

The money was allegedly not received by the employee concerned, but was taken and used by the suspect RP. In addition, there was also official travel money which was deducted by the suspect.

"Based on the report on the results of the calculation from the auditor, it was found that state losses amounted to Rp681,864,000," said Lambok.

On that basis, the suspect violated Article 2 paragraph (1) and Article 3, Article 18 paragraph (1) letter b, Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption.