Can Hajj Be More Than One Time? Better For Worship That Is Wider
YOGYAKARTA - Many Indonesians have flown to the mosque several times to perform the pilgrimage. The increase in the pilgrimage is the fifth pillar of Islam and is required for those who are able in terms of material and physical terms. But may the pilgrimage be more than once?
As one of the countries with the largest Muslim population, Indonesia dispatches many pilgrims every year. However, there is a quota limit for Indonesian pilgrims who want to fly to Mecca.
The existence of this quota restriction often limits opportunities for people who want to undergo Hajj per year. The Indonesian government has made an agreement with Saudi Arabia regarding the quota of pilgrims which is opened to citizens of the country.
In addition, not a few Indonesians have the physical and qualified material to perform Hajj several times. So what is the law if Muslims are going to undergo Hajj more than once?
The obligation to perform the pilgrimage is actually only intended for a lifetime for those who are able to carry it out. If you have had the pilgrimage and want to do it again, it will be counted as sunnah. Although allowed, the intention to perform the pilgrimage several times should consider a number of factors.
In the book of Prophet Sang Penyayang, Dr. Raghib As-Sirjani mentions that Allah SWT requires one-time Hajj to be intended as convenience. This is a form of affection and solution for human problems in general.
This proposal for the pilgrimage of one hook is also told in the history of the Prophet SAW. There is someone who asks, "O man, Allah SWT has obliged the pilgrimage to you. Therefore, pay the pilgrimage."
The Prophet SAW then replied, "If I said yes, then it would be an obligation to be carried out every year, then you won't be able to do it as well as possible and if you don't do it, then the law will be haram."
In the sabda, the Prophet SAW continued, "Let me be with what I say to you, because the people before you become destroyed, because many ask questions and are against their prophets. If I order something to you, then do it according to your abilities. If I forbid something to you, then leave it."
[Shahih Muslim, Book Al-Hajj, Chapter Fardh Al Hajj Marratan fi Al-Umr (1377); Musnad Ahmad (10615); Sunan Al-Baihaqi Al-KUBra (8398)]
In this case, the Prophet SAW was actually able to undergo Hajj every year, even in the bottom of his heart he really missed this noble worship. However, the Prophet wanted the problem to be measured according to the ability of Muslims in general. The considerations can be in many ways, ranging from the physical condition that has weakened, old age renta, and others.
The ban on Hajj was more than once a discourse conveyed by the Coordinating Minister for Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy. This discourse aims to reduce the queue for Hajj departures, especially for the elderly and women.
In addition, the pilgrimage has the potential to be chaotic to hajar many times. This happens if the intention or motive for the pilgrimage is to get praise and pursue social status. Muslims who have undergone the fifth Islamic law are more advised to use their funds for social worship. For example, providing food assistance, helping with education costs, and others.
For Muslims who have left for Hajj, it will be lebik if the abundant funds are channeled for social activities. By carrying out social worship, the funds spent are not only beneficial individually, but also have a wider impact.
That is the review of Hajj more than once for every Muslim who is able to carry it out. Based on the above history, if you have had the pilgrimage and have abundant material, you should prioritize social worship for those around you. This service provides more benefits for both yourself and others. Also read how to enter Raudhah through the Nusuk application.
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