Pilgrimage Places In Medina During Memorable Hajj To Visit
YOGYAKARTA - Medina is one of the holy cities for Muslims whose importance is for pilgrims to carry out worship and pilgrimage. For this reason, the following is a pilgrimage place in Medina when the Hajj can be visited.
The city of Medina cannot be separated from the important history of Islamic civilization. After the Prophet moved from Mecca to Medina in 622 AD, Medina became the center of development and the spread of Islam. This city is also a meeting place and a place of deliberation for Muslims at the beginning of the spread of Islam.
I. Quba Mosque
This mosque is a mosque located approximately 5 km southwest of Medina. The Quba Mosque was the first mosque established by the Prophet SAW and was built twice.
In building the Quba Mosque, the Prophet SAW was assisted by the Angel Jibril who gave instructions from the direction of the mosque's Qibla.
The priority of this mosque is explained in the sabda of the Prophet SAW,
You can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't.
Meaning: "Sahl bin Hunaif RA said, Rasulullah SAW said: Anyone who prays (cleans himself from unclean and hashish) at his house then arrives at the Quba Mosque and prays in it, he gets a reward such as the reward of Umrah." (HR Ibnu Majah)
II. Jabal (Bukit) Uhud
Jabal Uhud is the name of the largest hill in the city of Medina, his position is approximately 5 km from the center of Medina and is located on the side of the old Medina-Makkah road.
In the past, there was a terrible war on this hill between Muslims and Musyrikin Makkah, which was eventually won by Muslims.
III. Prophet's Mosque
The value and reward when praying at the Prophet's Mosque is very large as the Sabda of the Prophet Muhammad SAW,
You can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't.
Meaning: "The RA spokesman said: in fact the Prophet SAW said: "PRAYing in my mosque is 1.000 times higher than praying in other mosques, except in the Grand Mosque and praying at the Grand Mosque is 100.000 times more noble than praying in other mosques." (HR Ibnu Majah)
The Prophet's Mosque was made in the first year of Hijriyah. Around the mosque was built where the family of the Prophet SAW was built, while to the east the mosque was built the house of Siti Aisyah RA, which later became the burial place for the Prophet SAW and his two friends.
In the building complex of the Prophet's Mosque, there is the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, formerly known as Maqsurah. In this same room there are also 2 other graves, namely the graves of Abu Bakar as-Shiddiq and Umar bin Khattab RA.
Next is Baqi al-Gharqad's grave which is a burial ground since the time of Jahhiliyah until now. It is known by the name Baqi al-Gharqad because in the past, the Gharqad plant (gerumbul) developed a type of plant with small leaves and thorny leaves.
IV. Ghamamah Mosque
This mosque means a mosque that is cloudy or thick clouds located in the southwest of the Prophet's Mosque approximately 500 m. In the era of the Prophet SAW, this mosque was a square or field in the middle of the city.
V. Miqat Mosque
Another pilgrimage place in Medina can be visited, namely the Miqat Mosque. This mosque has another name for the al-Muhrim Mosque located in Zul Hulaifah. Currently, the Miqat Mosque is more famous with the name of the Beer Ali Mosque or better known as Abyar Ali.
Named the al-Muhrim Mosque because it was this mosque that the Prophet SAW and his friends took waqat for fire.
VI. Qiblatain Mosque
This mosque was originally named the Bani Salamah Mosque because it was built on the land of a former Salamah bani house. This mosque was named the Qiblatain Mosque because the mosque used to be two.
VII. Khandaq/Khamsah Mosque
In terms of Khandaq language, it means ditches, in Islamic history which is interpreted as Khandaq, namely the excavation of a defensive trench related to the siege of Medina by the infidels Quraish.
The existing Khandaq War assets are currently only in the form of 5 guard post units, which originally numbered 7 units. Some have stated that the place is a former guard post after which a magnificent mosque was formed on it.
VIII. Al-Ijabah Mosque
This mosque is located in the north-northwest of the Prophet's Mosque, this mosque used to be known as Manazil Bani Muawiyah. It is called the al-Ijabah Mosque because the Prophet SAW one day stopped by to perform the 2 Rakaat prayer with a very long prayer.
IX. Jumah Mosque
This mosque is located approximately 500 m north of the Quba Mosque. On this land, it used to be only Bani Salim bin Auf. The Prophet of SAW first performed Friday prayers in congregation at that place.
X. Abi Dzarr al-Ghifari Mosque
Initially, the Abi Dzar al-Ghifari mosque was known by the name of the al-Bukhair Mosque. This mosque is located in a plantation about 650 m from the Prophet's Mosque. This mosque is also known by the name of the As-Sajad Mosque because the Prophet SAW had stopped by this mosque and prayed 2 rak'ah with prostration finally very long.
In addition, for those of you who want to perform the Hajj, you must know: "Congregants of Hajj Can Visit the Special Sector when they get lost at the Prophet's Mosque".
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