Jack Dorsey Leaves Bluesky For Repeating Twitter's Mistakes

JAKARTA Jack Dorsey, founder of Twitter, has stopped being Bluesky's board. It is not known why Dorsey stepped down from his position on Tuesday, May 7, when this news broke, but now the former CEO X has revealed his reasons.

To Piratewires, Dorsey said Bluesky repeated all the mistakes he made while still managing Twitter. In short, this error refers to Bluesky's establishment goals and app rules that are too restrictive.

First, Dorsey explained, he did not want to establish Bluesky as an independent company that has a board of directors, shares, and corporate-related entities. This platform should be an open source protocol.

In 2019, Bluesky was founded as a decentralized app for Twitter to exploit. Bluesky was developed and funded directly by Twitter, while still led by Dorsey, but the goal has changed since 2022.

This platform started hiring employees and becoming a public interest company that year. The function of the application is starting to shift and many features are starting to roll out because the company listens to user input.

One of the changes Dorsey regrets is content moderation rules. Dorsey says Bluesky is designed to be controlled by its users. However, the company instead launched content moderation and began banning its users.

This prohibition creates a limit so that users cannot do anything freely. One of the prohibitions imposed by Bluesky is the creation of user accounts that lead to racial insults.

With the various rules Bluesky has made, many have left this platform because it is considered further away from Twitter. In fact, not a few users hope that this platform can be an alternative to X, Twitter's latest name.

Dorsey will now focus on Nostr, a decentralized service similar to Twitter. The app is widely used by crypto enthusiasts and can be used freely. Dorsey believes that content moderation is a ridiculous idea to limit users.