Names Of Candidates For Members Of The KPK Pansel Announced This Month

JAKARTA - The names of candidates for the Selection Committee for the Chairship of the Corruption Eradication Commission (Pansel KPK) are currently being studied by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo. This was revealed by the Special Staff Coordinator of President Ari Dwipayana.

"The names of candidates for Pansel Capim and the KPK Council are still being discussed by paying attention to the expectations of the community to get credible and integrity Pansel members," said Ari Dwipayana in a short message in Jakarta, Thursday.

Quoting ANTARA, Thursday, May 9, Ari said that the membership of the Pansel would number 9 people consisting of 5 elements of the government and 4 people from elements of society who would be determined through the President's decision.

"The names of members of the KPK Pansel will be announced this month," he said.

The term of office of the KPK leadership and the Supervisory Board of anti-corruption institutions will end in December 2024.

Based on the provisions, the President will form a selection committee to screen the KPK leadership for the next period.

The Pansel will be tasked with selecting candidates for KPK leadership, then submitting the selection results to the DPR RI to conduct a fit and proper test.