Riau Police Investigate UNRI Chancellor Report To Students Who Criticized Him For 'Education Broker' Due To High Contribution

PeKANBARU - Riau Police investigated the report of the Chancellor of Riau University (UNRI) Prof. Sri Indarti regarding a student named Khairiq Anhar in the aftermath of video content uploaded to social media related to institutional Development Contributions (IPI)."The case is under investigation," said Head of Public Relations of the Riau Police, Kombes Hery Murwono, when confirmed, Antara, Wednesday, May 8.When asked the extent of the investigation, Hery said, his party was still examining witnesses. The reporter and the reported have also been examined."Yes. We have asked the reported person and the reporter for information. Later we will see how the progress is from the investigator," he said.Khariq in his video criticized the policy for tuition fees on campus. In the video uploaded to the plaintiff's Instagram account @aliansimahasiswa, in the sale of Unri's sky blue alma mater at a relatively high price.At the end of the video, it is stated "Sri Indarti as Chancellor as a Education Broker at Riau University" and displays her photo. On this basis, Khariq is suspected of attacking other people's good names.Meanwhile, Khariq Anhar hopes that the campus can mediate the problems that are currently happening. His party does not want mediation to be carried out through the police route because it is a criticism of the rector's policy."The context is the substance of criticism of the policies issued by the rector. So we hope that Vice Chancellor III will mediate internally, but until now there has been no news," he said.Khariq admitted that he had been summoned by the police twice for the examination process. However, there has been no summons from the academic department of the campus.
Regarding his criticism, he will also fight for the cancellation of the increase in Single Lecture Money and IPI. "Even though mediation and trials will be carried out, we will not back down," he said.