Central Papua Bawaslu Clarifies About C Form Results Taken Away

Central Papua Bawaslu provided clarification regarding the C Results and Copy of the recapitulation results of votes in Paniai Regency which were not submitted because they were taken away by the polling group (KPPS).Initially, in the trial of the third panel of PHPU for the 2024 Legislative Election which was held at the Constitutional Court Building (MK), KPU Attorney Endik Wahyudi said that the C Results and Copys of Paniai Regency were not submitted by Kpps to the district election committee (ppd) because they were taken away. run.The form is included in the argument questioned in the application submitted by the Indonesian People's Wave Party (Gelora Party) with Case Number 51-01-07-36/PHPU.DPR-DPRD-XXII/2024.Chairman of the Panel of Three Constitutional Justices Arief Hidayat also asked the Central Papua Bawaslu. Central Papua Bawaslu chairman Markus Madai also confirmed that the form was taken away.“ Your Majesty, indeed on the day H, there was a commotion in Paniai until the Aftershocks (PSS) were carried out in four districts in Paniai Regency. But there was a fire during PSS, so we did the PSS again,” Markus said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, May 7.Has it been done that? Has the result been available? ” asked Arief."“Yes, it has been done. The results have been recapitulated on C Results, recapitulation at D Results at the district level,” said Markus.One of the Bawaslu Paniai who was present in the courtroom also explained that the PSS was held again in four districts, namely Kebo, Yagai, Aweida, and Muye, on February 28.Then, Constitutional Justice Enny Nurbaningsih also asked the KPU further regarding this incident.“ When taken away, the C form The result is what to use based on the tiered calculation? ” asked Enny."The results were conveyed verbally and recapitulated based on D Results in the sub-district, but were taken away by kpps and other parties," said KPU attorney Endik Wahyudi.“Tapi sudah direcapitulasi?” tanya Enny untuk memastikan.“Betul, Your Majesty, ” endik replied.On Tuesday, the Constitutional Court held a hearing with the agenda of hearing the Respondent's answer, the relevant party's statement, and Bawaslu's statement and the ratification of evidence from the parties.
The trial of the third panel was chaired by Constitutional Justice Arief Hidayat accompanied by Constitutional Justices Anwar Usman and Enny Nurbaningsih.