Police Arrest Suspected Perpetrator Who Beats Student When Stopping Rosario's Prayer In South Tangerang

TANGERANG - Police arrested the perpetrator who was suspected of beating a student at Pamulang University (Unpam) while trying to stop Rosario's prayer on Ampera Poncol Street, Setu, South Tangerang.South Tangerang Police Chief, AKBP Ibnu Bagus Santoso said the perpetrators who were arrested were more than one person. However, the integrity cannot be conveyed yet"We have secured more than one person. Later we will convey everything tomorrow,” Ibnu told reporters at the South Tangerang Police, Monday, May 6.Ibnu also admitted that he had not been able to convey the role of the arrested perpetrators. Because it is still under investigation by the South Tangerang Police investigation team.“ Still in the deepening process. "Later we will convey it entirely tomorrow in our pres release tomorrow," he said.Regarding the victim in the incident, Ibnu did not deny. “ Well, for the victim it was a persecution that was reported earlier, so we from the police, from a legal perspective, we carried out the police's efforts to be clear,” he said.The head of RW 02 Marat admitted that there were residents who carried sharp weapons, a kitchen knife when the commotion between residents and a group of students who were holding Rosario's Prayer on Ampera Poncol Setu Street, South Tangerang, Sunday, May 5.Maran emphasized that the kitchen knife had not been prepared beforehand but rather a reaction because it was emotional."There was (sajam) but it was not prepared because I heard there was a commotion, it was brief because of emotion. There was indeed one who brought (sajam) and it was because of emotion. (Sajam) kitchen knife," he explained when met at the location, Monday, May 6.
He added that the activities of students who gathered and prayed at the rented house had been complained of by residents, until finally the RT took action. Marat admitted that the residents were beaten first so that a backlash occurred because they were provoked by emotions.