KPK Snares New Suspect Who Gives Bribery To North Maluku Governor Abdul Gani Kasuba
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named a new suspect in the bribery case that ensnared the inactive North Maluku Governor Abdul Gani Kasuba. This party is suspected of giving money based on the development of the case carried out by investigators.
"From the investigation process of the bribery receipt case by Abdul Gani Kasuba, who is the Governor of North Maluku, information and data were obtained to become new evidence regarding the existence of another bribe party to Abdul Gani Kasuba," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters in a written statement, Monday, May 6.
Ali has not detailed the identities of the suspects. He only said that one of them was an official within the North Maluku Provincial Government.
"The party in question is one of the officials within the North Maluku Provincial Government and one private party," he said.
The anti-corruption commission ensured that the new suspects would be held accountable for their actions. However, investigators are still focused on completing the evidence so that the detention has not been carried out.
The public is asked to continue to monitor the development of the alleged receipt of bribes. "The adequacy of evidence is an important point for the KPK to next convey to the public about the complete identity of the party designated as a suspect," said Ali.
"Including exposure to alleged acts and alleged articles. We will convey updates from this investigation in stages," continued the spokesman with the prosecutor's background.
Previously reported, Abdul Gani Kasuba was a suspect in the alleged bribery of goods and services procurement projects as well as granting permits within the North Maluku Provincial Government. He has been detained along with five other suspects since December 20 after being caught in a hand arrest operation (OTT).
The five suspects are the Head of the North Maluku Provincial Government Housing and Settlement Office, Adnan Hasanudin; Head of PUPR PUPR Maluku Provincial Government Daud Ismail; Head of BPPBJ North Maluku Provincial Government Ridwan Arsan; Ramadhan Ibrahim who is Abdul Gani's aide and the private sector, namely Stevi Thomas and Kristian Wuisan.
In this case, Abdul Gani was charged for allegedly participating in determining the contractor to be won in the auction of the work project in the province he leads. He even determines the amount of deposit from the entrepreneurs.
The KPK suspects that Abdul Gani also ordered his subordinates to manipulate their jobs as if the projects being carried out had been completed by 50 percent. The goal is that the budget derived from the APBD can be disbursed.
Abdul said the anti-corruption commission did not directly receive money from contractors. He uses a holding account held by his trusted people.
The money was then used by Abdul Gani to pay the inn to pay for his health check. The initial number of findings obtained by the KPK in the account reached Rp. 2.2 billion.