Prabowo Doesn't Need PKS Support If He Just Secures Parliament

JAKARTA PPI Executive Director Adi Prayitno assessed that the upcoming Prabowo Subianto administration does not require PKS support in parliament after joining the NasDem Party and PKB.

"It is enough to embrace NasDem and PKB considering that the majority of the total political support in parliament is approximately 78 percent. If it is just securing parliament, I don't think Prabowo should include PKS," he said, Sunday, May 5, 2024.

According to him, joining or not PKS will depend on the considerations of Prabowo and Gibran Rakabuming Raka, whether or not the grand coalition needs to be built or not.

The reason is, the grand coalition certainly does not only involve NasDem and PKB, but requires additional political parties such as PKS.

"So that the political power of parliament almost reached around 84 percent. Of course Prabowo will be more conducive in his political support, will be more conducive in support in the executive or in parliament," Adi added.

In addition, before accepting or inviting PKS, Prabowo must of course consider the Gelora Party's rejection of PKS. Moreover, Adi saw that the reason for the rejection was due to a political grudge.

"I think if we look at the conflict between the Gelora Party and PKS, of course this is an old conflict, this is an effect of the political conflict that has occurred between the Gelora Party elites and PKS. This of course must also be considered by Prabowo and Gibran," he said.