4 Exercises That Can Be Done To Strengthen Mental Health

JAKARTA - Mental health problems such as anxiety and depression not only have a bad impact on individuals but also cause loss of productivity. Adult psychologist Chuck Schaeffer Ph.D through the Psychology Today page, reported by ANTARA, advises four practices to maintain mental health and improve your mental strength both at work and at home.

When you want to increase memory, increase emotional regulation, increase attention at a later date without a cup of coffee, or even if you want to prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Physical exercise consistently maintains your mental health and fitness.

While practicing exercise every day, you recover your brain and nervous system to cope with stress and protect yourself from depression and anxiety. Exercise to the gym or just walking around your home every day over time the nervous system learns to strengthen the brain, increase the strength of the stembrake, or calming system, so you quickly cope with anxiety and panic without having to think about it.

Your ability to understand and predict emotions throughout the day can have a significant impact on financial and emotional well-being. By dedicating just five minutes every day to reflect on the current state of emotion and what might affect it, you can increase emotional intelligence.

Feeling a lot of emotions at the same time is a normal thing, so don't worry about focusing on just one emotion. Try labeling as much as you can when measuring emotional temperatures.

The key to measuring emotional temperature is learning to accept any emotions you feel without judging. Acceptances can be built like muscle a lot of times you practice measuring the temperature of emotions, the easier it is to accept.

Mindfulness exercise is any activity you do that allows focusing on one thing without judging. Mindfulness practices can be like mental fitness training camps that add a strong layer of muscle to the nervous system, increasing flexibility and mental resilience so that they can cope with anxiety and stress effectively.

When practicing mindfulness, you train the nervous system to calm down more quickly, relax, and focus your mind while you are hit by stress and anxiety. You only need to take five minutes to walk alone through green spaces such as home pages, parks, or athletics fields.

Known as a road full of awareness, this is a practice of walking slowly and paying attention to different sensations in the heel, arch, and toe when you take one step and then one more step. If you want to focus more easily, take off your socks and shoes and pay attention to different textures and feelings of grass when your feet touch the ground in one step.

The best thing you can do to increase your mental strength is to do an annual physical mental health check-up from licensed mental health providers such as counselors, therapists, or psychologists.

You need to monitor mental health to track and help overcome any difficulties or problems you may encounter. You can even start behavioral treatments such as therapy to help deal with anxiety and depression so that you can thrive at work and at home.