Kejari Tunggu Hasil Penyelidikan Ahli Konstruksi Di Kasus Korupsi Mangkraknya Well Irigasi Lombok Timur

The East Lombok District Attorney (Kajari) is still waiting for the results of an investigation in tracing the corruption case of the drilling well project for agricultural irrigation in East Lombok Regency in 2017 which was in the central budget of Rp1.13 billion.

"Because it was only Thursday (May 2) yesterday that we went down with construction experts and auditors, so there has been no results, we are still waiting," said Head of the Intelligence Section of the East Lombok Kejari Lalu Mohammad Rasyidi in a written message, Friday, May 3, was confiscated by Antara.

He explained that this joint check with construction experts and auditors was part of the prosecutor's efforts to trace state financial losses in the case of the alleged project that had stalled status since construction in 2017.

"So, the goal is indeed to check and calculate losses, what percentage of development, what use it will be, so that later it can be assessed. Including work, according to planning or not," he said.

The construction expert who supports the investigators' efforts comes from the Faculty of Engineering, Mataram University. For auditors who help investigators calculate state financial losses originating from the NTB Inspectorate.

However, he reminded again that the auditor's calculation of state financial losses still has to wait for the results of the analysis from the construction expert.

"Yes, so we will analyze it first with the construction experts, that's what we are waiting for the results," he said.

In addition to tracing state financial losses, investigators also collected evidence from witness examinations and related documents.

It was recorded that there were dozens of witnesses who provided information in the investigation process. The witnesses came from the East Lombok Regional Government (Pemda), the Central Government, in this case the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) as distributors of projects, contractors and private parties related to the implementation of activities.

By outlining the progress of handling such cases, Rasyidi ensured that investigators had pocketed an unlawful act (PMH).

"If you have calculated the state's losses, it means that the PMH already exists," he said.

The budget for the construction of the bore well project comes from the 2017 DIPA APBN. The project was realized through the Directorate of Food-Prone Regional Development of the Ministry of Villages PDTT with a budget of IDR 1.13 billion. The project was carried out by CV Samas.