Ministry Of Trade Changes Import Requirements For Importing Herbal Medicine To Lipstick Materials, Check Out The Details

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) remsi changed the import requirements for several industrial raw material commodities. One of them is for herbal medicine, health supplements, cosmetics to household health supplies.

The change in import requirements is in line with the issuance of Permendag 7 of 2024 concerning the Second Amendment to Permendag Nomo 36 of 2023 concerning Import Policy and Regulation.

Director of Imports of the Ministry of Trade Arif Sulistyo said that Permendag 7/2024 is related to the ease of importing several industrial raw materials.

First, traditional medicine and health supply. Yesterday we received input from Gapmmi and Apindo friends regarding the beauty premiums (post tariff 2106.90.73)," he said in a virtual discussion, Thursday, May 2.

Arif said that input from Gapmmi and Apindo was also discussed with the technical ministries/agencies (K/L) of the proposer.

Then it was agreed that the fortified premiums (post tariff 2106.90.73) were one of the raw materials for the flour industry.

In Permendag 36/2023, continued Arif, those who can import the FORtificant premiums are API-U because they are considered as raw materials and the lartas are PI and Surveyor Report (LS) with border supervision.

Based on the proposal of Gapmmi and Apindo, said Arif, changes were made in accordance with the minister's direction referring to the Minister of Trade Regulation 25. This means that the current policies and regulation of imports are in Permendag 7/2024.

"The lartas is only LS with post-border supervision and can be imported by companies that own API-U and API-P," he said.

Arif said he hoped that with this new lartas the flour industry would not be disrupted.

"So that the national team needs are sufficient," he explained.

Second, continued Arif, related to the cosmetics and household health supplies. He said, Preparat makeup lip (post tariff 3304.10.00), Preparat Rias Mata (post tariff 3304.20.00), powder, compacted or Not (post tariff 3304.91.00) which is used as raw material for the cosmetics industry, can be imported by companies that own the NIB API-U and NIB API-P.

"With an import regulation policy in the form of an Import Approval with technical consideration requirements from the Ministry of Industry, and a Surveyor Report," he said.