Matheus Joko's Confession In The Corona Social Assistance Bribery, Gives IDR 1 Billion To The BPK For Operational Funds

JAKARTA - Former Corona Bansos Commitment Making Officer (PPK), Matheus Joko Santoso, said that he had given IDR 1 billion to the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). The money is referred to as an operational fund.

This statement by Matheus Joko Santoso was delivered when he testified in the trial of the alleged bribery of social assistance with the defendants Harry Van Sidabukke and Ardian Iskandar Maddanatja.

This statement emerged when the prosecutor described the handover of goods from Joko to Juliari P. Batubara and Hartono Laras.

"There was a gift of 10 cellphones worth IDR 140 million? Then the giving of 3 Brompton bicycles to Secretary-General Hartono Laras worth 120 million?" asked the prosecutor during a trial at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Monday, March 8.

Matheus Joko Santoso agreed with the money. In fact, he immediately said that if there was a gift of IDR 1 billion to the BPK.

"Then for the BPK IDR 1 billion. There are operations for the BPK IDR 1 billion," said Matheus.

Then, the prosecutor asked about the person who received the gift money. It's just that, Matheus said he could not remember.

So, the prosecutor read out the contents of the Investigation Report (BAP) by mentioning the name Achsanul Qosasi. It only said that the giving of money to the BPK was an order from Adi Wahyono.

"(Mr. Adi) mentioned the name Achsanul Qosasi?" asked the prosecutor.

"I don't know, sir. I just handed it over to the cafe, sir," said Matheus.

For information, Harry van Sidabukke is a private party charged with bribing Juliari and a number of officials at the Ministry of Social Affairs with a total value of IDR 1.28 billion.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT. Tigapilar Agro Utama Ardian Iskandar Maddanatja was charged with giving IDR 1.95 billion to Juliari and a number of officials at the Ministry of Social Affairs.

The bribery was carried out so that the two defendants were appointed as Covid-19 social assistance providers at the Ministry of Social Affairs in 2020.