Controversy Of The Missing "Religious" Phrase From PJPN, DPR Work Committee Gives Minister Nadiem Makarim Recommendations

JAKARTA - Chairperson of the 2020-2035 National Education Roadmap Work Committee (Panja), Syaiful Huda opened his voice about criticism of the absence of religious phrases in the discussion of the PJP draft.

The chairman of Commission X DPR revealed that in the discussion process, the PJPN committee also involved a number of religious organizations from all religions in Indonesia. As a result, Panja obtained input related to the importance of religion into the education roadmap.

"In our recommendation, all breath from our education world cannot be separated from the religious spirit. From the results of the input, the point is that the input has become part of the PJP committee's full recommendation," said Syaiful to reporters, Monday, March 8.

According to the PKB politician, this criticism is increasingly relevant in the future for the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) to continue to make improvements, including reviewing the initial draft of the 2020-2035 national education roadmap.

"Commission X will also ask for the recommendation of the PJP committee to become an integral part of the Ministry of Education and Culture's review regarding the road map for Indonesian education," said Syaiful.

Syaiful also asked the Ministry of Education and Culture to place the PJP not only at the strategic plan level but actually become a road map. The PJP Work Committee also encourages that the academic paper for the road map for education is well prepared.

"Issues related to teacher welfare must also be a priority of this PJP, which we see as not explicitly, not yet in the draft of the Ministry of Education and Culture," he explained.

Syaiful Huda added that the PJP Work Committee had completed its work before the third trial period 2020-2021 ended on February 10, 2021. The plan is for the PJP committee to submit recommendations for the work of the Committee to the Ministry of Education and Culture on Thursday 11 March.

"I think the results are comprehensive, just followed up by the Ministry of Education and Culture," he said.