Police Gradually Move Personnel To IKN Starting July 2024

JAKARTA - The transfer of Polri personnel to the State Capital (IKN) will be carried out in stages starting July 2024. For the next plan in fulfilling personnel in 2024, the National Police has allocated the addition of personnel who graduated from the formation of education (Diktu) and development education (Dikbang) in stages.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karopenmas) of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Pol Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko in Jakarta, Monday, April 29, 2024.

"The National Police is carrying out personnel transfers in stages, we hope that Polri personnel are ready to carry out their duties and be placed anywhere," he said.

Trunoyudo explained that the plan to move the capital city has been regulated in Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital in order to support Indonesia's 2045 vision.

"The National Police has a central role in the implementation of the program to move the State Capital," he said.

The central roles in question are human development and mastery of science and technology, sustainable economic development, equitable development and strengthening of national resilience and governance.

According to Trunoyudo, the National Police has sent 709 personnel to IKN Nusantara since 2022, temporarily placed at the East Kalimantan (Kaltim) Regional Police, especially at IKN buffer police such as Balikpapan Police, Samarinda Police, North Penajam Paser Police, and Paser Police.

"For the next plan in fulfilling personnel in 2024, the National Police has allocated the addition of personnel who graduated from education for the formation (Diktu) and development education (Dikbang) in stages," he said.

Then, the redistribution of officer personnel, and Polri non-commissioned officers from other regional police whose personnel composition is close to ideal to the East Kalimantan Regional Police as well as other IKN buffer police.

The National Police also increased the number of placements for Dikkbangun graduates, especially Sespim, PTIK, Sespimma, and SIP to the East Kalimantan Regional Police and other IKN buffer police.

The addition of the number of first placements (Patma), Pama graduated from Akpol, SIPSS, Polri non-commissioned officers to the East Kalimantan Regional Police and other IKN buffer police.

"Furthermore, the transfer of officers and police officers from Kalimantan to the East Kalimantan Regional Police and other IKN buffer police," said Trunoyudo.

The National Police's human resource transfer (HR) stage to IKN is carried out in four stages. First, 2023-2024 as many as 1,667 personnel, second 2025-2029 as many as 9,484 personnel, third 2030-2034 as many as 9,685 personnel and fourth as many as 9,678 personnel.