Forms Of KUB With NTB Syariah To BPD Lampung, Bank Jatim Conveys Latest Developments

JAKARTA - PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk (bankjatim) is known to process Bank Business Groups (KUB) with Bank NTB Syariah, Bank Lampung and Bank Banten.

Direktur Utama bankjatim, Busrul Iman menyampaikan, khusus Bank NTB Syariah pihaknya menagi telah memulai proses pembentukan KUB ini sudah cukup lama dan telah menjalani berbagai rangkaian proses secara institution seperti due deligent bahkan menggandeng pihak ketiga.

"God willing, before finishing next month, we will carry out a signing shareholder agreement (SHA) and we have agreed on this, including in terms of the determination of the valuation," he said at a press conference in Jakarta, Monday, April 29.

Busrul added that when the signing was carried out, his party would propose the cooperation to the Financial Services Authority (OJK) as the regulator.

Regarding the reason for choosing Bank NTB Syariah as a partner, Busrul said Bank NTB Syariah and Bank Jatim have the same business, including the potential of Islamic businesses in their respective regions.

"So there sharia grows well, and in East Java also the potential for sharia to develop well, both in terms of institutional housing, hospitals, education," he said.

Moreover, continued Busrul, Bank Jatim also has a Sharia Business Unit (UUS) so that KUB with BPD Syariah can be established to be able to synergize the use of both technology and regional bank operations.

Meanwhile, for the reasons for choosing Bank Banten, Burul said Bank Banten had grown well even though its development was not optimal.

However, he considered, Bank Banten has good potential in the future.

"We have communicated with them and we are just waiting for the results of the existing study. This includes BPD Lampung," concluded Busrul.

Just so you know, cooperation between BPDs by strengthening capital and consolidating banks can be one way to deal with the current dynamics of the economy.

Moreover, based on POJK 12/2020 concerning General Bank Consolidation, BPD is required to increase its core capital by at least IDR 3 trillion no later than December 31, 2024, or enough to have IDR 1 trillion as long as the BPD is effective as a member of the KUB.

If it cannot be fulfilled, then BPD must adjust the form of its business to become a People's Credit Bank (BPR).

Thus, BPD, which has a core capital below IDR 3 trillion, will hunt with time because the fulfillment time is around 9 months left.