Mother Who Went Viral Because She Was Angry When She Begs For Indication Of ODGJ, Was Taken By The Bogor Social Service To The RSJ

BOGOR - The Social Service (Dinsos) of Bogor City, West Java, brought the beggar mothers who went viral for asking for alms forcibly to the Marzoeku Mahdi (MM) Mental Hospital (ODGJ) in Bogor City. He indicated that people with mental disorders (ODGJ) were involved.Head of the Social Rehabilitation Division of the Bogor City Social Service, Sumartini, said that his party had conducted an assessment of the unidentified woman last Sunday night.The beggar woman has gone viral on social media for begging for alms by forcing and getting angry, in the Bekasi, Cianjur, and Sukabumi areas, West Java. Until he finally arrived in Bogor City and was led by the Social Service and Satpol PP."Last night the results of our assessment were indicated by ODGJ. So after being given services, food, and bathing, the client was dispatched to RSJMM last night,” said Sumartini in Bogor City, Antara, Monday, April 29.He said the woman would be given medical services at RSJMM for about two to 18 days. At the hospital, the woman's health will be restored.“ For the time being, we will first restore his health, especially his mental or psychological health. Because when he is in a mental condition, he is worried that the answer is only his hallucinations, ” he said.Sumartini explained that the Social Service was still investigating the background of the woman who did not carry this identity. His party is also trying to find the families of these displaced people, then reunification is carried out."After treatment, we will reunify it to the family or be entrusted to the orphanage. This means that the handling is complete,” he said.Confirmed separately, the Legal Manager and Public Relations of RSJMM Bogor City Prahardian Priatma said the woman arrived at the hospital in a calm condition." “ His condition is calm, when he was taken he was calm and currently in the treatment of a doctor," he said.Dian said the woman was registered as an anonymous patient because her identity was not yet known.
He explained that the woman was placed in an ordinary inpatient room and was not isolated with the length of time of treatment according to the condition of the person concerned. “ We will see the condition of the patient, the length of treatment depends on the patient's condition,” said Dian.