Sad News, Death Rate Of COVID-19 Patients In Sukabumi City Raised To 86 Cases

JAKARTA - The Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling of COVID-19 in Sukabumi City, West Java, said the number of deaths of COVID-19 patients who were undergoing treatment and isolation at a local referral hospital had increased by two, bringing the total death to 86 cases on Sunday, March 7.

"This Sunday we received a report that two COVID-19 patients at the referral hospital died, the two patients are elderly and comorbid," said Sukabumi City COVID-19 Task Force spokesman Wahyu Handriana in Sukabumi, as reported by Antara, Monday, March 8.

The two patients were found to be a 67-year-old male, a resident of Baros District, and a 76-year-old woman whose address is in Gunungpuyuh District. Apart from being confirmed positive for COVID-19, the two patients also had heart disease.

Since entering and undergoing treatment in a special isolation room for COVID-19 patients at one of the referral hospitals in Sukabumi City, his health condition has continued to decline, and breathed his last.

The family has also been informed because the relative died positive for COVID-19, so the handling of the body to the funeral is carried out according to the COVID-19 protocol.

According to him, with the addition of two COVID-19 patients who have died, the total is currently 86 people. The majority of patients who died were elderly and had comorbid or comorbidities.

"As of Sunday, the total residents of Sukabumi City who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 reached 3,528 people or an increase of five people today, of which 2,942 patients have been declared cured, 230 are still undergoing isolation, and 86 patients have died," he added.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Sukabumi Achmad Fahmi reminded residents, especially those who have been vaccinated, to keep implementing the 5M health protocol, namely using masks, washing hands with soap regularly, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds, and reducing activities outside the home.

This is because vaccines are the second layer of protection and do not rule out the possibility that people who have been vaccinated can contract COVID-19, but if they do not contract the disease, it is not serious.