Disrupt Investment, Kulon Progo DPRD Asks For Evaluation Of YIA Toll Exit Project

DIY - Chairman of Commission IV DPRD Kulon Progo Regency, Muhtarom Asrori, asked the central government to evaluate the plan to build a toll exit in front of Yogyakarta International Airport or YIA because it is detrimental to economic growth in the region.

Muhtarom said the construction of the toll exit would harm entrepreneurs who have invested in hotels in the Temon area.

"The people of Kulon Progo hope that there are only two toll exits in Kulon Progo, namely in the Pengasih and Sentolo areas," said Muhtarom in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), Sunday, April 28, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said that Kulon Progo Regency had always been a national station, road and Daendels' south road. However, it has not been able to raise the name Kulon Progo to be famous, let alone boost Kulon Progo's progress, it is proven that the poverty rate is still high, the unemployment rate is also quite high.

Now there is YIA Airport, so hotels in the Temon area have emerged, although airports have not been able to provide and increase significant regional income, it has not had a significant impact on people's income. But at least the name Kulon Progo is increasingly widely known.

However, at this time, there are concerns because with the construction of a freeway (tol) that passes through Kulon Progo, accompanied by a toll exit in front of the airport or even a flyover, it will make it easier for passengers to go directly to Yogyakarta or cities outside Kulon Progo.

"So it is unlikely that a stop at Kulon Progo will stop at Kulon Progo. Meanwhile, hotels have sprung up in Kulon Progo. For this reason, there needs to be a special study on the construction of toll exits or flyovers in front of airports," he said.

In addition, Muhtarom continued, the Kulon Progo Regency Government needs to communicate with the Indonesian Railway (Ministry of Transportation) to be able to increase the station class, so that not only economic class trains, but also trains that stop at Wates Station, namely trains like Arya Dwipangga. So that it will make it easier for passengers who are currently via Yogyakarta or Kutoarjo.

"Thus Kulon Progo will become crowded, the hotel occupancy is full and culinary also gets visitors, which in the end the Kulon Progo people's income will increase," he said.

Meanwhile, Acting Regent of Kulon Progo Ni Made Dwipanti Indrayanti said there was a design change from the Yogyakarta-YIA toll road.

"The design change has been discussed, it has gone before Ngarso Dalem (Governor of DIY Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X) as well," said Made.

He said the design change was to accommodate the local economic potential in Kulon Progo. It is deemed necessary to take consideration so as not to harm them.

Made gave an example of the toll road to YIA. If previously the toll exit went directly to the airport, the latest proposal was that the exit would be changed to the north, connecting with the Temon-Borobudur road section.

"The filing is also shifted, where the design from east to west is changed to north to south," he said.