Prabowo Admits Jokowi Has Prepared To Continue The Government

JAKARTA - President-elect of the 2024 General Election Prabowo Subianto admitted that he was indeed prepared by President Joko Widodo to work as Minister of Defense, participate in the presidential election until he won and continued the government.

This was revealed by Prabowo in a halalbihalal event held by the NU Executive Board (PBNU) at the PBNU office, Central Jakarta.

"I have to tell you here how much Mr. Joko Widodo prepared me," Prabowo said on Sunday, April 28.

For Prabowo, Jokowi is a very thorough figure in carrying out his political strategy.

This, according to him, is evidenced by Jokowi's victory against Prabowo in the 2014 and 2019 presidential elections. So, Prabowo felt the need to learn from Jokowi.

"I am also no less reasonable. If we lose 2 times, it is better for us to learn from the people who win, that's it. But, until now he has paid attention and I feel I was prepared really," explained Prabowo.

Even in carrying out his duties as Minister of Defense, Prabowo admitted that Jokowi continued to guide him.

"Yesterday I was still called by the Minister of Defense. Right, now I'm closer, (called) Mas Bowo. 'Mas bowo will have to go here to meet this'. I'm'ready, sir, ready'. Right, I went to China on his instructions, I went to Japan, I am now ordered to go to the Middle East because it is very important," he concluded.