Warganet Murka Recipients Of KIP Lectures Even With A Luxury Lifestyle

JAKARTA The government program for the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) Lecture is again highlighted by netizens X after the lifestyle of the beneficiaries is called too great. Warganet regretted this because they considered that this assistance should be enjoyed by students who really needed it.

The excitement about the recipients of the KIP Lecture wrong target was widely discussed on X some time ago. Netizens were furious because the KIPK recipients turned out to have a luxurious lifestyle.

The Lariff is funny, if you have money because you get work, take off your tpk, it's funny pic.twitter.com/zQ6gcYfaXE

What made netizens furious, not only eating in luxury restaurants, this KIPK recipient was also seen wearing branded clothes, watching concerts for artists abroad, taking holidays out of town, and even having cell phones for tens of millions.

Monitoring this chaos, Netray Media Monitoring uses KIP and KIPK keywords to see how much netizens' attention is on this issue.

The results were found as many as 4.3 thousand uploads about these two keywords. The uploads received 114.7 thousand reactions from other netizens, "Netray reported.

The issue was uploaded by more than two thousand accounts with apotential reach of 19.6 million accounts. Meanwhile, the account that most voiced and impressioned about this was the @UGM_FESS account. The account has shared 135 tweets with a total of 56.8 thousand impressions.

In addition to uploading criticism and satire against KIPK recipients, netizens are also furious with their hedon style and fancy. This account has also inserted the figures and social media accounts of the hedon students.

Netizens' conversation about these two keywords seemed to peak on April 22, 2024 with a total of 2.9 thousand tweets a day. It appears that netizens' uploads about this issue are dominated by negative tweets throughout monitoring.

The upload of netizens is dominated by many expressions of criticism regarding the lifestyle of KIPK recipients. This can be seen from the ranks of the top word vocabularyhedon, style, rich, expensive, branded, donated phones.

Not a few netizens were provoked to participate in uploading and dismantling this matter to the public. In fact, they did not hesitate to condemn the actions of these unscrupulous students by praying for them to really become poor people.

Warganet deeply regrets the incident, because government assistance in the form of tuition financing should be right on target.

Warganet deeply regrets these incidents. The government's assistance in the form of tuition financing should be right on target. Warganet also feels that this wrong target scholarship problem is no longer a new thing.

One of the accounts even said that there was an administrative'monopoly' game about this scholarship in several areas. Therefore, information about this scholarship can only be accessed by the upper middle class, even the families of regional officials.

Citing the website of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, KIP Lecture is tuition assistance from the government for high school/equivalent graduates who have good academic potential but have economic limitations.

For information, this KIPK was previously called Bidikmisi, which has been replaced by the government since 2011. The government aims to provide more opportunities for the public to access higher education so that they can break the chain of poverty.

In 2022, KIP Lectures will be developed as an Independent Lecture KIP. There is a difference between the two programs, namely the amount of education cost assistance provided by the government. Recipients of KIP Lectures receive tuition assistance or Tunggar Lecture Money of IDR 2.4 million per semester.

Meanwhile, the Merdeka Lecture KIP program provides UKT assistance which is adjusted to the selected Study Program (Prodi) as well as the accreditation of the Prodi. The maximum C accreditation program gets IDR 2.4 million, a maximum B accreditation of IDR 4 million, and a maximum A accreditation of IDR 12 million.