Benefits Of Green Okra And How To Process It

YOGYAKARTA - Okra is a type of fruit vegetable that is not yet well known among mothers in Indonesia, even though the benefits of this green okra are a lot and very good for our bodies. Curious not about the benefits of green okra and how to process it?

Okra hijau juga menjadi salah satu bahan makanan dalam daftar Ragam Bahan Makanan yang Baik Untuk Masa Deoan (Future 50). Meskipun di pasar tradisional okra hijau sudah mulai mudah ditemui, namun masih banyak orang yang belum paham bagaimana memolakannya.

In India, okra plants are known by the name of bhindi beans and in America there are also those who call them gumbo names. In general, okra also has another name, namely lady finger.

The reason is, these small vegetables are tapered at the ends similar to the lentic fingers. Not only that, these vegetables will produce mucus, similar to the crocodile's tongue, when cut and cooked.

I. Control Blood Pressure

Green Okra is a good vegetable to be eaten by people with high blood pressure. The reason is that green oranges can control blood pressure to prevent the formation of hypertension. The utility of this green okra is obtained from the contents of the potassium in it.

II. Get rid of fatigue

If you have busy activities, try to consume green okra regularly. Research, highlighting the bottom of consuming green okra regularly is useful for getting rid of fatigue quickly.

To get the benefits of this green okra, you can add green okra into the food menu every day so that you are more powerful.

III. Preventing Convoluted Sem

Constipation can occur if you don't consume fiber. Eating green okra can be a solution to this situation. The high fiber content supports the efficacy of green okra in tackling or preventing constipation.

IV. Lower Blood Sugar Level

The efficacy of green okra in degrading blood sugar levels is obtained from its high fiber content. Fibers can stabilize blood sugar levels by slowing the rate of glucose (gule) absorption from the intestines.

Not only that, because of its low glycemic index, green okra also tends not to quickly raise blood sugar. This is why eating green okra is able to make blood sugar content more normal.

V. Weight Loss

Not only is it good to control the content of blood sugar, green okra is also useful to help lose weight. Regularly consuming green okra, you will feel full longer, thereby reducing the will to eat a lot.

Okra is also a low-calorie food that is rich in nutrients, so it is better to consume it when on a diet.

VI. Prevent heart disease

Green Okra is one of the good vegetable types to prevent heart disease. This is because these vegetables are useful for controlling blood pressure and reducing cholesterol, so that they can reduce the risk of plaque and damage to heart blood vessels.

Okra can be cooked, such as cooking other vegetables, can be made, boiled in cari or made soup, or there are also those that digest it into chips. The outer texture of the crunchy okra is a kind of oyong and the inside is soft, a kind of terung. Lendir that comes out when the octra is cut and cooked will automatically make the cooking thicker.

If you don't like the thickness of the texture of the cooking due to mucus released by okra when cooked, there are several methods that can be done:

The more cut, the more mucus that comes out, the more it will be. Okra is also usually cooked without being cut, really.

Soaking in vinegar

This method can reduce mucus that comes out. Soak first okra for 30 minutes in vinegar, after that wash clean, and then cut and then cooked.

Not only for cooking, okra is also popular as an infused water. But don't be surprised if your infused water becomes thick, yes, because that's exactly the kind of thing that is not found in other infused water. Just use 2 okra for 500 ml of water. Cut the okra, put it in a bottle filled with water, add lemon citrus slices. That's part of the benefits of green okra that are healthy body. Good luck!

In addition, you also need to know how to Choose a good Vegetable so that the vegetables we buy do not disappoint.

So after knowing the benefits of green okra and how to process it, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!