Google Delays Third Party Cookie Elimination Again In Chrome

JAKARTA At the beginning of this year, Googlue the Tracking Protection system for some users on Google Chrome. The system shuts down and limits the use of third-party rookies automatically.

The presence of this system has been promised since 2020, but its launch has been postponed due to refusal from US regulators and the advertising industry. Google tried to re-launch its features in the middle of last year, but that never happened.

Earlier this year, Google looked very ready with its system rollout. The company has launched a Tracking Protection system to one percent of users and promised to expand its features before the first quarter of this year ends.

However, before its features were expanded to more users, Google announced that its features would not be rolled out until next year. This news was conveyed through the official Privacy Sandbox website, a user protection project from a dangerous rookie.

The UK's Competition and Market Authority (CMA) is still reviewing the tools used in the Privacy Sandbox program. According to Google, "It's important for CMA to have enough time to review all the evidence including industrial test results."

Google will wait until the testing process is complete at the end of June. Without approval from CMA, Google cannot turn off third-party rookies because the system has received rejection from various parties.

"We recognize that there are ongoing challenges related to different input reconciliations from industry, regulators, and developers, and we will continue to establish close ties with the entire ecosystem," Google said.

On all these considerations, efforts to turn off third-party rookies will not continue. If Google's estimated time is right, "the third-party rookie stop will resume starting early next year."