Outbreak Slashes In Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra, 200 Buffaloes Injected With Vaccine

SUMSEL - Regency Government (Pemkab) Ogan Ilir (OI), South Sumatra (Sumsel) gave vaccines to 200 buffalo in order to prevent slitting diseases. Livestock and Animal Health Head of the OI Regency Food and Agriculture Security Service, Lilis Suryani, said 200 buffalo were given vaccine injections to prevent virus or slitting disease. He added that the vaccine was given free of charge and free of charge at all. "If there are breeders who want or find the throat disease, please report it immediately because they will be given the vaccine for free," he said in OI, South Sumatra, Wednesday, April 24, confiscated by Antara. He hopes that through the efforts made by the government, Ogan Ilir Regency, the disease of slaughtering livestock can be anticipated. Meanwhile, one of the buffalo breeders in Tanjung Sejaro Village, Ogan Ilir Wahyu, said that he began to be afraid that buffalo animals in his cage were affected by the damping virus because from the information he received from the slaughtering of buffalo, there were already 14 cases in Ogan Ilir. He admitted that he was very worried about the incident as happened in the OKI Regency area, he did not want that incident to happen in his livestock.