History Of Sikidang Crater: Myth And Legend, The Beginning Of Formation, Complete With Ticket Prices

YOGYAKARTA The history of the Sikidang Crater is one of the interesting stories from the Dieng highlands, Central Java. The reason is, the Sikidang crater does not only have a history that can be seen from a geological point of view but from a culture because of the myths and legends that surround it.

This article will discuss information about the history of the Sikidang Crater, from the beginning of its formation, the myths and legends of the crater, to ticket prices that must be paid by tourists.

The Sikadang Crater is an active crater to date. The crater is located in Dieng, Banjarnegara, Central Java. One of the highlights of the Sikidang Crater is its size which is quite wide and the gas is emitted which often moves from one point to another. The vapour movement that comes out of the ground is then likened to a kidang (spin) that jumps from one point to another.

The existence of the Sikidang Crater cannot be separated from myths and legends. One of the historical stories that is believed to be related to the beginning of the Sikidang Crater, is the story of the match for a beautiful queen named Queen Sinta Dewi with Prince Kidang Garungan.

Even though she was matched with a prince, Queen Sinta Dewi could not accept it because the man she was matched with was said to have a face resembling a midfielder. Queen Sinta certainly cannot accept the bad facial condition of her future husband.

Even so, Ratu Sinta still accepted the match on the condition that Prince Kidang Garungan built a deep well. Ratu Sinta deliberately asked for these conditions in the hope that the prince would not be able to fulfill these requirements so that the matchmaking could be thwarted.

After the prince and his followers dug a very deep well, Queen Sinta and her bodyguards buried them alive in the well. Prince Kidang is certainly angry and tries to get out of the ground but his efforts always fail. It was because of this effort that the Sikidang Crater appeared. Meanwhile, the vapor that came out of the ground in the crater area is believed to be a form of anger from Prince Kidang who is still blowing up and trying to get out of the pile.

Although it has a history that is closely related to myths and legends, the formation of the Sikidang Crater can be explained from the point of view of geological science. In the webinsite of Banjarnegara Regency, it is said that the Sikadang Crater was formed by the eruption of ancient volcanoes.

The same thing is also explained in a book entitled The Phenomenon of the Dieng Plateau. In the book, it is stated that the Sikidang Dieng Crater was formed because of the caldera of Mount Dieng Purba. As a result of magma activity, post- volcanic symptoms emerged. These symptoms are also the source of natural gas.

For tourists who want to visit the Sikidang Crater in the context of tourism, they must pay an entrance ticket of approximately Rp. 20,000. Ticket prices can vary depending on the manager's policy. During a visit, it is recommended to bring a mask or a nose covering.

In addition, it is recommended for visitors to know the choice of night tours in Dieng which can be visited at any time.

That's information related to the history of Sikidang Crater. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.