Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno: IP Branding Project Bali Increases MSME Product Exports

BALI - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno hopes that the results of the implementation of the Intellectual Property (IP) Branding Project Bali will directly have an impact on increasing export value and quality of MSME products. "We see the potential for increasing value from creative economy actors, especially in the field of spa and handicrafts with cooperation programs involving ministries/agencies and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)," said the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno quoted from ANTARA, Friday, April 19.

He said the results of the Intellectual Property Strengthening (KI) project for tourism and creative economy actors were immediately handed over to the Bali Provincial Government, which is also expected to open up business opportunities and employment in line with the recovery of Bali's economy.

"Earlier, collectively everyone also wanted a continuation of this program, so we will convey to WIPO that it will be considered next year by involving more MSMEs," he said., in the future, it will continue to increase knowledge of intellectual property rights, especially for MSME actors.

"The existence of creative industry players who have not registered their intellectual property rights is the obstacle to their knowledge. We must continue to pump it for socialization and education," he said.

At the close of the project, a collective brand launch was also carried out, namely UnBalivable. According to Sandiaga Uno, the collective brand can show that the Balinese MSME brands that are members of it have gone through a verification process that is the uniqueness of Bali Province.

"I see that the products participating in this project are of world quality. Some have included sustainability aspects, environmentally friendly, and there are unique ethnic-based products," said Sandiaga Uno.

In May last year, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy together with the Bali Provincial Government made Bali a pilot project for strengthening Intellectual Property (KI) for tourism and creative economy actors, one of which was realized by the implementation of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

During 11 months WIPO provided various training related to design, branding, packaging, commercialization, to collective registering of brands or joint brands for a number of parekraf actors on the Island of the Gods.