Innalillahi, Husband And Wife From Lumajang Died In The Cold Lava Flood Of Mount Semeru
A couple of husband and wife, Bambang (49) and Ngatini (46), residents of Kloposawit Village, Lumajang Regency, East Java, were found dead today as a result of being dragged by the swift cold lava flood of Mount Semeru."Initially the two victims used motorbikes to pass on the Mujur River Bridge on their way home after the gathering, but when they passed at the end of the bridge, it collapsed due to the Semeru cold lava flood," said Candipuro Police Chief AKP Lugito in a written statement received in Lumajang, Antara, Friday, April 19.The victim fell on his motorbike to the bottom of the river, then was swept away by the swift flood of Mount Semeru's cold lava in the Mujur River in Kloposawit Village, Candipuro District."The victim was later found dead in the Kebonjati Hamlet River, Kloposawit Village, so officers and residents evacuated the two victims," he said.Previously, heavy rains flushed Lumajang Regency and based on information from the Mount Semeru Volcano Monitoring Post (PGA), it was recorded that the maximum amplitude (amak) of flood vibrations reached the overscale level or above the scale.Pada Kamis (18/4) pukul 18.30 WIB tercatat amplitudo mencapai 35 mm, kemudian naik menjadi 40 mm dalam waktu dua menit berikutnya, dan tetap tinggi pada 40 mm setelahnya.The high rainfall at the top of Mount Semeru caused cold lava floods that overflowed into residential areas and caused damage to a number of bridges.Based on data from BPBD Lumajang, it was recorded that there were seven villages and three sub-districts spread across five sub-districts that were affected by flooding due to extreme weather, namely Pronojiwo, Candipuro, Pasirian, Lumajang, and Sukodono sub-districts.
The victim who died was one person buried by a landslide in Supiturang Village and two victims were dragged by the swift cold lava flow of Mount Semeru due to the collapse of the bridge in Kloposawit Village.