Bengkulu Police Seize 500 Grams Of Shabu From 2 Suspects In Drug Cases

BENGKULU - Sub-Directorate I of the Directorate of Drug Investigation (Resnarkoba) of the Bengkulu Police confiscated 500 grams of methamphetamine from two suspects of drug abuse.Deputy Director of Drug Investigation at the Bengkulu Police, AKBP Tonny Kurniawan, explained that the confiscation was carried out after his party arrested DR (29), a resident of Pematang, the Governor of Bengkulu City and RK (23), a resident of the Bengkulu City Remembrance Garden, on April 17, 2024."The evidence is estimated to weigh 500 grams, but we will definitely weigh it at the pawnshop," he said during the release of the case at the Bengkulu Police Headquarters, Antara, Friday, April 19.For the confiscated evidence, namely three large packages of methamphetamine in clear plastic clips, 22 packages of methamphetamine were in clear plastic clips, 49 small packages of methamphetamine in clear plastic clips.Then, a digital black scale brand CHQ, a clear plastic clip bundle and a green cellphone unit.He said the arrests of the two suspects began with the development of the arrest of the suspect, a jukir supplier of methamphetamine, into the Malabero Rutan, Bengkulu City, with the initials AM.From this development, it was known that the drugs were obtained from the suspect with the initials DR, then the Narcotics Directorate conducted an investigation and looked for DR's whereabouts at his house in Pematang Village, the Governor of Bengkulu City.Tonny continued, the suspect DR is known that the drugs came from other suspects in DKI Jakarta Province, which is planned to be circulated in Bengkulu Province."We have pocketed the identity of the suspect on board the DR, so this DR is fully financed by the suspect in Jakarta, be it a boarding house, a car rental fee to the installation of CCTV at the suspect DR's boarding house," he said.
"The personnel arrested the suspect DR who was in a car along with the suspect RK and when he was about to be arrested, suspect DR got out of the car with evidence stored in a black shopping bag while the suspect RK fled with a car and was arrested," said Tonny.Therefore, the two suspects are threatened with Article 114 paragraph (2) Subsidy Article 112 paragraph (2) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics with a maximum imprisonment of 20 years and a maximum fine of IDR 10 billion.