Sumbawa Police Handles Fictitious Project Cases Of The Population Control Service

The Sumbawa Police, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), is handling a case of alleged fictitious projects at the Family Population Control Service planning the Empowerment of Women and Child Protection.Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of the Sumbawa Police, Iptu Regi Halili, said that the alleged fictitious project appeared in one of the programs in the field of population control of advocacy and information."So, there are activities in that field that have not been fully implemented," said Regi when contacted by telephone from Mataram, Antara, Wednesday, April 17.He said that his party handled this case based on follow-up information from the public. The handling of the case is now underway at the investigation stage."Because recently we got the information, so the handling has just entered the investigation," he said.Dalam rangkaian penyelidikan, kepolisian meminta klarifikasi kepada sejumlah pihak terkait, antara lain dari ketua unit penaksana teknis (UPT) Dinas Pengendalian Warga Berencana Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Sumbawa, kepala bidang, dan kepala dinas."UPT, which is below this service, is in each sub-district, a total of 24 UPTs. All of them are included in a series of clarifications. So, in total, the witnesses we asked for clarification reached 30 people," he said.However, there are several witnesses who still have to undergo additional clarification regarding the completeness document which is an in-depth material."When it was clarified, the documents were not brought, so we scheduled it again," he said.This fictitious project is thought to have occurred in the budget period for 2022-2023. The project is related to the Healthy Kitchen Overcome Stunting (Dashahat) program, Family Planning (KB), field lines, mini workshops (Minlok), and food security.
He revealed that one of the fictitious projects was recorded as appearing in the Minlok program. Of the 10 activities, only six were carried out."The realized three to four times the implementation of the activity, but the official SPJ (accountability letter) was recorded 10 times," he said.