Google Drive Website Can Now Switch To Dark Mode

JAKARTA - Dark Mode is one of the most requested features by Google Drive users. This feature was originally tested in the website version in mid-March, but has now been officially launched. Through the Workspace Update page, Google announced that dark mode is being rolled out to the Google Drive website. According to Google, this feature will provide a more convenient view when users access Google Drive. When the dark mode is available, Google Drive will display a message that reads, "Continue to enjoy driving in the dark." This feature is disabled by default so that users must activate the feature first. To switch to a darker view, users must open Settings by tapping the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen. After that, click the General Section and look for the View menu to select between dark and bright modes.

Saat mode gelap sudah aktif, halaman Google Drive akan berubah warna menjadi hitam. Sidebar, bilah pencarian, dan lainnya akan berwarna abu-abu gelap, sedangkan ikon dan folder akan berganti menjadi warna abu-abu yang lebih terang.Mode gelap masih diluncurkan secara bertahap sejak 16 April. Google mengatakan bahwa fitur ini diluncurkan secara bertahap dalam waktu 15 hari. Jika peluncuran sudah selesai dilakukan, mode gelap bisa diakses oleh seluruh pengguna.Fitur ini akan tersedia bagi pelanggan Google Workspace, Google Workspace Individual, dan akun Google pribadi. Artinya, jika Anda hanya pengguna akun Google biasa, Anda akan tetap mendapatkan akses untuk beralih ke mode gelap.