Central Java Police Chief: 'November I'll Retire'

Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi while leading the morning rally at the Central Java Police Headquarters Apple Field on Tuesday, April 16, said that he would retire in November 2024, later.

"In November I will retire. I really enjoy this moment together with all members," said Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi in a written statement, Tuesday, April 16.

He advised that the cohesiveness and solidity of the Central Java Police should be maintained at any time. According to him, the success of the Police's duties is collective, even though in their main task a police officer is personally responsible.

"No leader feels successful in operating tasks without the role of the members," he said to the applause of the apple participants.

Thanks to this cohesiveness, the personnel involved are considered capable of carrying out operational activities even though they are faced with various challenges, difficulties and shortcomings.

One of the successes achieved recently was the smooth operation of Ketupat Candi 2024. Therefore, Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the ranks of the Central Java Police.

The police's activities in securing the flow of homecoming and return to Lebaran were considered successful thanks to the solidity and cohesiveness of all personnel involved.

"I express my gratitude and appreciation for the successful implementation of the security operation that went smoothly. This is all thanks to the cohesiveness and solidity of all personnel involved," he said.

Operation Ketupat Candi ends tonight, Tuesday 16 April, at 24.00 WIB. The Kapolda said that he enjoyed the moment of togetherness in the implementation of securing this year's Eid homecoming.

Every year, continued the Kapolda, Central Java becomes the center of homecoming tradition. All community activities, both transportation, goods, and people, all head to Central Java as a destination to return to their hometowns.

"Our members are solid in carrying out operational tasks and held in all pospams, posyans, integrated posts, and some even never go home. Until sometimes we forget that we are also ordinary people who want to wear new clothes, want to go home to visit with their families," continued the Kapolda.

With the completion of the Ketupat Candi 2024 operation which was the last police operation ahead of his retirement, the Kapolda apologized personally and officially to all members during his leadership at the Central Java Regional Police.

"As a person and official, I apologize if the leadership is not able to provide the best for members. All of this is not for myself but only for all members and the Central Java Regional Police," said Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi.