How To Cancel Train Tickets

YOGYAKARTA How to cancel train tickets at offline and via KAI Access (online) is not difficult. However, before canceling prospective passengers must meet the requirements set by PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI).

One of them is that prospective passengers will be subject to a 25 percent cancellation fee. This means that the duties returned by PT KAI to prospective passengers are only 75 percent of the initial ticket price when purchased outside the message fee.

The following article will explain in more detail about the requirements for canceling train tickets and how to cancel train tickets offline and online.

Citing the official website of PT KAI, the following are conditions that must be met by prospective passengers who want to cancel train tickets via station counters or offline:

Meanwhile, the requirements for canceling train tickets online or through KAI Access are:

The following is how to cancel train tickets at the station counter:

Meanwhile, if you want to cancel train tickets online, here are the guidelines you can follow:

That's information about how to cancel tickets at the station counter and via KAI Access. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.