Airlangga: President Jokowi Prepares Anticipation Regarding Middle East Conflict

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said President Jokowi was preparing steps regarding the anticipation of the current conflict in the Middle East."Because this is important and the President will hold an internal meeting on this. Of course we will prepare Indonesian steps," he said in Jakarta as reported by Antara, Tuesday, April 16.This was conveyed by Airlangga after halalbihalal with national political elites as well as ministers and leaders of political parties in Indonesia. Airlangga stated that the internal meeting was held on Tuesday (16/4).He explained that geopolitical conditions are not doing well, especially since the dispute between Iran and Israel has just broken out in the Middle East. So political solidarity is needed in the country."With unusual challenges and of course, it requires solidity from all political parties to face the uncertainty of this world," he hoped.Regarding the economic situation, he revealed that there were 17,000 ships in the Suez Canal, 30,000 ships in the Strait of Hormus."So if this happens an escalation, we don't imagine the price of fuel oil (BBM), the increase in cargo which results in an increase in commodities, including food commodities," he said.
However, Airlangga remains optimistic that this will not affect Indonesia, because the economic fundamentals are strong. He also hopes that Indonesia's domestic politics will remain solid during the transitional government.