Law Of Cambuk No Longer On The Page Of The Aceh Mosque In Today's Memory, April 12, 2018
JAKARTA Memories of today, six years ago, April 12, 2018, the Aceh Provincial Government and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) agreed to move the legal location of the whip from the mosque yard to the Correctional Institution (LP). The main reason is that investors are not afraid to invest in Aceh.
Previously, Aceh was privileged to apply Islamic law in social life. This narrative can be seen in the presence of the law of Qanun Jinayat (Islamic criminal law).
The difference between Aceh and other parts of Indonesia can be seen from the application of Islamic law. The position of Islamic law in Aceh is not merely an alternative, but is a law that is recognized and used throughout Aceh. Qanun Jinayat, his name.
The presence of the law is inseparable from the presence of Law Number 18 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy. A legal product that makes Aceh has privileges in regulating and chaosing its own household, from economic matters to the adoption of Islamic law.
The law of Qanun Jinayat was passed through Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2014 concerning Jinayat Law and was effective on October 23, 2015. His presence then provoked pros and cons. Those who are against him have certainly protested against the application of the caning law.
The law is considered to deviate from state law which strictly prohibits the use of caning law. The use of the caning law is considered to be categorized as torture, cruel punishment inhumane, and degrading dignity.
Not a few of those who support Islamic criminal law. Many are of the view that the implementation of Qanun is considered more effective. Crimes to immorality can decrease drastically. Even though not a few have rejected that view.
"The caning law has been used as punishment as part of a series of criminal acts, including selling alcoholic beverages (khamar), sexual intercourse outside the marriage bond (zina), and being alone in a closed place with other people who are sexless outside the marriage bond (khalwat)."
"This creates a criminal law enforcement dualism in Aceh. Especially for moral articles that have been regulated in the Criminal Code," said Executive Director of The Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR), Supriyadi Widodo Eddyono as quoted by Antara, October 23, 2016.
Instead of getting a wide welcome, the implementation of the caning law often gets negative views. The Aceh government and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights see the implementation of the caning law in public -- usually the courtyard of the mosque can be detrimental.
This detrimental matter comes from investors who do not want to invest in Aceh. Their view is related to the cruelty of the caning to its estuary. As a result, the Aceh government and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights took a stand. They chose the option to continue implementing Islamic criminal law. However, the implementation was moved from the mosque to the prison on April 12, 2018.
"What we do by carrying out the sentence in prison can be witnessed by the public depending on the capacity of the prison. But small children cannot see it, cannot carry cellphones, cameras".
"Try to imagine that a sentence was witnessed by a small child, then there was the joy of applause, whether it was recommended. Then how was the punishment for being videoed and then put on YouTube. Once he was punished, for life with the impact of the image, for example one day he became a community leader," explained the Governor of Aceh, Irwandi Yusuf as quoted by, April 12, 2018.