TKP Olah Kecelakaan Beruntun Bakal Digelar, Contraflow Di KM 47-70 Dihentikan Sementara

Head of Ops Korlantas Polri Kombes Eddy Djunaedi said the contraflow at KM 47-70 Cikampek Toll Road was temporarily suspended. The police will hold a crime scene (TKP) for a series of accidents involving one bus and two minibuses."“(Contraflow at KM 47-70 Cikampek Toll Road, ed) will be rolled up for the preparation of the crime scene," said Eddy when contacted by reporters via text message, Monday, April 8."This contraflow could later be held again," said Eddy. However, the police will first look at the conditions on the ground. “ We will continue to see if there will be an increase in current movement later in certain hours,” he said.As previously reported, there was an accident during the Eid homecoming flow at KM 58 of the Cikampek Toll Road on Monday morning, April 8. Three vehicles were involved, namely Daihatsu GrandMax, Daihatsu Terios, and a bus.As a result of this incident, the police brought 12 body bags from the accident site to the Karawang Hospital to be identified.This incident occurred when a car from the direction of Jakarta took the contraflow route at KM 58 of the Cikampek Toll Road. The car then swerved and crashed into a bus on the Bandung-Jakarta route.
Then, there was another car that tried to avoid but hit a car that had an accident first. The two cars that collided then caught fire.