Samsul Triatmoko Firefighters Died After Successfully Putting Out The Fire That Burned The LBH Building

Samsul Triatmoko, Gulkarmat Task Force, Johar Baru Village, Central Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., died after struggling to extinguish the fire at the LBH Jakarta building on Jalan Diponegoro, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Sunday night, April 7.

"(The cause of) fatigue after the fire, the incident after the blackout was declared complete and safe," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Gulkarmat Service, Satriadi, Monday, April 8.

As is known, the LBH Jakarta building was hit by a fire on Sunday night, April 7. The incident occurred at 22.20 WIB.

The flames continued to devoured almost all the contents in the inside of the LBH Jakarta building. The operation to extinguish the fire began at 22:26 WIB.

The fire was extinguished at 23.58 WIB. A total of 10 cars were deployed to extinguish the fire.

"The alleged cause of the fire was an electrical short circuit," he said.