Ireland Will Withdraw Assets From 6 Israeli Companies Occupying Palestinian Territory

JAKARTA - Ireland's Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF) will withdraw assets/divests to six Israeli companies because of their activities in the Palestinian territories, Irish Finance Minister Michael McGrath said.

McGrath said the National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) had confirmed it was divested by ISIF from its global equity portfolio in certain companies.

"I have been informed by (NTMA) that they have decided to divest from certain ISIF global portfolio investments in companies that have certain activities in occupied Palestinian territories," McGrath said in a statement quoted by ANTARA from Anadolu, Saturday, April 6.

He said the decision was related to share ownership with a total value of US$3.2 million (approximately Rp50.7 billion) in six companies, including Israel's largest bank, including Bank Hapoalim BM, Bank Leumi-le Israel BM, Israel Discount Bank, Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Ltd, First International Bank and Remi Levi CN Stores.

The decision will be made "as soon as possible" in the next few weeks, McGrath said he was informed that the ISIF would continue to review investment alignment relevant to its investment parameters and commercial objectives.

In March, Ireland joined Spain, Malta and Slovenia to take the first steps to recognize the Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.