Pascalongsor, The Bocimi Toll Road Will Still Be Used For Lebaran Homecoming?

JAKARTA - The Bogor-Ciawi-Sukabumi (Bocimi) toll road experienced landslides in one part of it last Wednesday night. As a result of the incident, the Bocimi Toll Road near the exit of the Parungkuda Toll Road was temporarily closed until repairs were completed.

This toll repair work is estimated to take a long time. Then, can the toll road be used for the 2024 Eid homecoming flow?

Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Kartika Wijoatmodjo asked PT Waskita Karya (Persero) through Waskita Toll Road to immediately repair the gaping hole caused by landslides some time ago.

The man who is familiar with Tiko said that the acceleration of repairs can be done at least so that the Bocimi Toll Road can be operated functionally to support the 2024 Lebaran homecoming flow.

Despite encouraging the acceleration of improvement, Tiko also emphasized that the work must still pay attention to the security aspect so as not to endanger users later.

"We ask for improvements so that it can be functional in Eid, for the time being, yes, for the time being. But the important thing is to be safe too, don't harm it later," he said when met in the Monas area, Jakarta, Friday, April 5.

Even though it has been repaired, Tiko will also review the Bocimi Toll Road. One of them is about the soil structure, to ensure that the toll road is ready to be used to support the smooth flow of the 2024 Lebaran homecoming.

"This is being reviewed again. Is the soil structure good or not. Hopefully it can make Eid. That's a natural condition. The landslide is a natural condition, not because of humans," he explained.

For your information, on April 3, 2024, at around 20.00 WIB, a landslide or landslide occurred on the Bogimi Toll Road (Acronym Bogor, Cianjur, and Sukabumi) KM 64-600 A to be precise on the Parungkuda Toll Road towards Sukabumi, Ciambar District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java.

The paid road, which has not been inaugurated for a year, caused an MPV car containing two passengers to fall into an avalanche hole.