President Jokowi Asks Scout Kwarnas To Give Education To Young People's Characters, Including State Defense

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo directed the management of the National Kwartir (Kwarnas) of the Scout Movement to continue to carry out education and coaching of the character of the younger generation, including defending the country.

"The President's directive to us is to continue to educate the character development of the younger generation by Scouts, especially development, including defending the country, then the values of the struggle and all of them," said Chairman of the Kwarnas Pramuka Movement Budi Waseso in a press statement at the State Palace. Jakarta, Friday 5 April, confiscated by Antara.

Budi Waseso alias Buwas assessed that the Scout Movement is always at each school level to provide character education for the younger generation.

Therefore, he assessed that Permendikbudristek Number 12 of 2024 concerning Curriculum in Early Childhood Education, Basic Education Levels, and Secondary Education Levels issued on March 25, 2024, must be revoked.

According to him, Scouts are a movement that has been active since Indonesia Merdeka, namely through guidance or guides which have been put together until now into Scouts.

"When talking about Scouts, not only now. This means that it must start from history, from the era of independence, before the Scout independence was active and already there," he said.

The duties and obligations of the Scout Kwarnas management and Scout activities are regulated in Law Number 12 of 2010 concerning the Scout Movement. The inauguration of the chairman and board of Kwarnas is also stipulated in the president's decision.

Buwas assessed that the polemic about scouting that is no longer a mandatory extracurricular at school through the memandikbudristek must refer to the highest decision.

"In my opinion, the Ministerial Regulation (regulation) must be revoked. Because if we start from that, yes, we must all have a presidential decree or not. This means that it does not necessarily only go through a ministerial decision," he said.

He also considered that the Kemendikbudristek policy which no longer places Scouts as extracurricular must receive attention from President Joko Widodo.