PT Perkebunan Mitra Ogan Fulfills Employee Rights Ahead Of Eid Al-Fitr 2024

JAKARTA - PT Perkebunan (PTP) Mitra Ogan is committed to fulfilling employee rights ahead and after Eid al-Fitr. Corporate Secretary of PTP Mitra Ogan Mahmud Riyad said the move was taken after the company optimized income from partners and started the repair and development of the palm oil (CPO) palm oil business.

According to Mahmud, the rights of employees have now begun to be fulfilled in stages. During the process, his party continued to coordinate with the Workers' Union (SP) as representatives of employees.

"We have realized it gradually. We also continue to build coordination with SP and convey that the company is fully committed to fulfilling employee rights. This coordination and communication effort is proof that management is serious and concerned about this," he said, in Palembang, Thursday, April 4.

Mahmud said that the process of fulfilling the rights of employees is expected to help employees fulfill their needs ahead of Eid al-Fitr.

"We make sure the employees' THR is fulfilled so that employees can spread in peace," he said.

Furthermore, Mahmud said, as a long-term solution to maintain the company's sustainability, management has prepared a number of strategies. Among them are continuing to make various operational improvements in the field, both from the on farm and off farm sides and collaborating with strategic partners to support the company's palm oil business process.

"In addition to improving and improving physical aspects, we are also aggressively taking an approach to cooperating with local partners in the context of cooperation in the palm oil business by optimizing the land and factory of Mitra Ogan," he said.

Through this partnership, Mahmud hopes that the production of Mitra Ogan's gardens and factories can continue to grow. So that it can encourage an increase in company income in a sustainable manner.

"In addition, we also continue to make improvements in terms of financial management, such as encouraging efficiency, especially those related to fixed costs," he added.

Meanwhile, Head of the Indonesian Workers Union for Plantation of All-Indonesian Workers Unions (SPPP SPSI) Hadi Yamin said that his party hopes that the process of fulfilling the rights of Mitra Ogan employees can continue to run smoothly. To maintain this, his party admits that it continues to establish communication and coordination with management and employees.

"We will continue to monitor and carry out functions as liaisons by providing input to management, as well as absorbing and conveying employee aspirations. This is for the improvement of Mitra Ogan in the future," he said.

Regarding the long-term improvement efforts being carried out by the company, Hadi hopes that management can continue to develop its potential, including through replanting and optimizing land.

Mitra Ogan is a company engaged in oil palm plantations and processing palm oil into crude palm oil/CPO and kernel palm/palm kernel (PK) core. Mitra Ogan has 2 units of Palm Oil Factory (PKS) with a capacity of 90 tons/hour.