Having An Income Above The UMK After Receiving The PENA, Social Minister Risma Claims 11,260 KPM Out Of Extreme Poverty
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) said, as many as 11,260 Beneficiary Families (KPM) spread across various regions in Indonesia managed to get out of extreme poverty thanks to the assistance of the Nusantara Economic Heroes Program (PENA).Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini explained that the tens of thousands of KPM came from six PENA programs, namely Regular, Independent PENA, Attention, Community, Disaster, Vocational.This year, the PENA program has succeeded in graduating 11,260 families from extreme poverty as of March 2024, with an indicator that they, who are tens of thousands, now have income above the Regency/City Minimum Wage (UMK),” explained Social Minister Risma in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, April 4.Of the six PENA programs, he continued, the beneficiary families who were the fastest out of extreme poverty were recipients of the PENA Emergence Program with 5,630 KPM.This is because recipients of the Independent PENA Program, he said, generally already have business embryos so they only need additional training, such as branding and financial management for the sustainability of their respective businesses.
The total beneficiary families of the PENA Program from 2023 to March 2024 were 21,333 KPM, with Central Java being the largest province and West Java being the second most province graduating KPM from extreme poverty lines.His party said that Central Java Province had a total recipient of the PENA Program of 3,970 KPM, while West Java province had 2,961 KPM.