The Story Of Lola Amaria Giving Hajj Is In The Book Of Selling Kaaba And Stories That Are Introductioned By Benny Benke's Work

JAKARTA = The Kaaba Sales Book, and the stories that have been paraded by Benny Benke's latest work were officially released Wednesday, April 3. The book can be obtained for free, free or useless in the ibook format, released by Sipena iPerpusnas.

After more than nine months of processing, the book, whose cover design or cover is very poetic by Bakkar Wibowo, narrated the story of Benny Benke's journey when he was a member of the Hajj Media Center (MCH) 2023 Hajj Organizer (PPIH). Together with hundreds of media friends throughout Indonesia facilitated by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, for 50 days.

Benny, who works in Makkah's working area (Daker), said that his experience was in direct contact with the issue of organizing the annual pilgrimage.

In the city of Makkah, Medina, Taif and Jeddah, the stories that had circled and occurred in the four cities were written in deep writing.

From the story of the Prophet's last sermon in Padang Arafah, Arafah, which turned out to be nglangut at night, the charming Mina, to the subtile Kaaba, to the reddening Medina, to the 'wah' Jeddah, and the hanif written by the Head of the Jakarta Bureau of the Indonesian Air Force Suara Merdeka, it coincided with the story of the Hira Cave, and the missing and "repulsive" people found in the Holy Land.

As well as a number of other stories, which can be used as bed assistants, for prospective pilgrims before really setting foot in Makkah and Medina for the sake of performing the pilgrimage or Umrah.

Indeed, nothing new under the sun from Benny's writing, but the intention of writing and recording events is a respected humanitarian effort. Humans may come and go, as sunnahatullah, but life's travel records should still be immortalized. For this reason, it is important that the book written by the Head of the Central PWI Department of Music and Films is important.

Moreover, according to the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia H. Yagut Cholil Qoumas, this book is considered very appropriate to be enjoyed. "In a concise manner, reading Benny's thoughts and tastes is like spelling and reading the problems that we find in a number of Hajj organizers with all their dynamics. However, it is presented with attractive, and fun directly from the first person.

"With good writing skills, Benny knows very well how to put thoughts into words with slick and barrel, then organize and articulate them clearly and unbiasedly.

"So, whoever the reader is, will feel involved in the text, then get a different perspective, as well as expand his knowledge base. So that once again everything that Benny wrote in this book becomes a kind of'small delivery' to anyone who wants to go on pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

"Therefore, good luck on the page of knowledge of this book," Gus Yaqut wrote in the introduction to this book.

Or in H. Wibowo Prasetyo Special Staff of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion for Media and Public Communication, this book is like a fun playground

"Simply, reading the 'Jualan Ka'bah, andraked Stories', such as entering the playground with guidelines on a deep and comprehensive way of playing, as well as being brave. Like how Benny wrote more or less, God doesn't see how beautiful the editor of the prayer we say, but God sees how beautiful the correct treatment for our prayers is.

"Therefore, this book becomes more than worthy to be seen because Benny has succeeded in connecting his writing with his readers. As was done by Khaled Hosseini, an Afghan-American writer with the touching work The Kite Runner, who once said: Writing is the way we connect with other people, the way we share our stories".

Meanwhile, General Chairperson of the Central PWI 2023-2028 Henry Ch Bangun wrote; "The proof of his notes that are translated into a number of writings in this book, Benny is indirectly sharpening the critical thinking of his readers. Because as we understand, the action of recording and reflection, forcing someone to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make conclusions. Before finally, this good writing was born.

"Because from the results of this recording, it allows us, the readers of their writings to capture short ideas, exchange ideas, and at the same time develop existing concepts. At the same time communicate with the readers of their writings. While sharing and discussing notes, it will encourage collaboration, encourage knowledge exchange, and perfect ideas.

"And most importantly, 'preserving intellectual history'. Because, as a journalist or journalist who has been working for more than 20 years, this note reinforces the intellectual abilities of the author. Because, once again, a well-preserved record will be a valuable note regarding individual and collective thinking. Before providing insight into things in the past, and be an inspiration for future generations.

"Moreover, writing a note, or writing well and a barrel, as Benny has shown in this book, is not a practice that can be done by everyone. Every individual must find the methods and styles of writing that are most appropriate for himself. And Benny Benke did well with his writing style flowing in this book".

One of the stories of the pilgrimage that was told was Benny Benke's meeting with Lola Amaria in the Holy Land. Benny hopes that this book will reach his readers in his own way. Have your own destiny. So that giving a little knowledge to the readers, thankfully there is a complaint in this article that is able to give its penoper to the supplier. And who knows, somehow, the fate of bringing the reader 'lost' in the holy land, like himself.

PLT Head of National Library of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. E. Aminudin Azis MA, Ph.D hopes that this book will not only be able to provide invitations to the public to strengthen the movement to love digital literacy. "But also at the same time raise interest in the z generation to read again. Reading anything, especially the experience of big events such as Hajj with the problem," he said.

In the near future, this book will also be found and read on iPusnas, still belongs to iPerpusnas, Perpusnas Press, IKAPI Member.