Pascaledakan Gud Sebelah, Warga Kota Wisata Cluster Visalia Merasa Diabaikan Sinarmas Land

JAKARTA - Hundreds of houses belonging to the Cluster Visalia Tourism City Housing, Ciangsana Village, Gunung Putri District, Bogor Regency, were heavily damaged by the explosion that occurred in Warehouse 6 of the Paldam Jaya Regional Munisi Warehouse (Gud cheap) area.

Pascaledakan, a resident of the Visalia Cluster housing complex, is also restless because it feels neglected by the housing developer, namely PT Sinarmas Land. Residents said that the housing developer, namely PT Sinarmas Land, seemed to ignore residents' reports.

Ahmad, chairman of RT 02/51, Ciangsana Village, emphasized that a number of residents had tried to contact PT Sinarmas Land as a housing developer, but had not responded. Residents contacted via customer service.

"The TNI has met with residents of Visalia housing to see the damage and apologize for the incident. However, the party from the developer, namely Sinarmas, has not met and conveyed a single word to residents regarding the incident," Ahmad said when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, March 3.

Residents were disappointed by Sinarmas Land's seeming blind attitude. Even though the housing is under its management.

"The developer is Sinarmas Land. So basically, Sinarmas has not met the residents of the affected housing residents in the tourist city," he said.

After the munitions warehouse, the affected resident of the Visalia Cluster Tourism City Housing is still traumatized and worried about the incident.

Residents hope that there will be good faith from the Sinarmas Land developer regarding the existence of their house which turns out to be close to the TNI's munitions warehouse.

"Hopefully there will be relocations from the TNI or the developer for the relocation of the house. Because of the adjacent radius (with the bullet warehouse)," he said.

Ahmad said the residents of the Tourism City Housing of Cluster Visalia who were affected by the explosion amounted to 150 families.

"Residents affected are (around) 150 residents. The number of houses is 216 houses, which are inhabited by 150," he said.

In addition, residents of housing that were traumatized consisted of parents and children. Moreover, residents had time to find a number of explosives left in his housing after the explosion.

"Many of them were found, including grenades, bullet casings, ammunition debris, weapons bullets from the tank. Currently, the search is still in progress. Residents are still worried, still traumatized by the incident, especially children," he said.