Ideal Time For Move On According To Scientists Research

YOGYAKARTA - The ideal time to move on really needs to be known, because prolonged confusion is not good for your mental health! Therefore, this time we will discuss it, see until it's finished!

Breaking up can happen at any time, ready not to be ready it can take place instantly. That's why sometimes it makes you think about and dream about the good memories of the past with your ex.

Therefore, you need to carry out various positive activities that can distract from that sadness.

Because forgetting an ex is not easy. Removing the shadow of a person who previously filled our lives requires a lot of time and energy. Plus that person is one of the most beautiful formers and leaves many memories for you.

Then, how long will it take for people to move on from the former?

A study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology found that it took approximately 3 months or eleven weeks for a person to be able to move on.

This research was conducted by scientists Gary W. Lewandowski Jr. and Nicole M. Bizzoco using 155 participants who were experiencing sadness after a romantic bond. At least 71% of them started to feel better after 11 weeks to really forget their ex.

Not only that, research conducted in 2009 also found that the average divorced person could move within 17 months 26 days after his divorce.

This is considered reasonable, because separation and divorce are different matters. Divorce is also considered to have a more traumatic impact on couples.

But keep in mind that 11 weeks and 18 months are only the average, because each person has a different atmosphere. Factors such as the length of the bond, the depth of the current bond, and support from friends and family can also affect.

The length of time it takes to move on is also not different between the parties who decide or end the relationship. Anyone who asks for a break up first, both parties will feel hurt and need time to move on.

How To Move Fast

1. Confess to Closest People

The first move on tip is to find your best friend to vent. You can also ask for support from family and friends to restore feelings and hurt your heart after being heartbroken. Tell the story of your separation can be one of the methods of releasing stress after breaking up, especially if you vent with someone who has also experienced the same experience.

2. Make Yourself happy

You don't have to rush to find a new companion, give yourself time to relax and rest until you really feel normal, calm, and peaceful in carrying out various activities. This move on tip should be considered.

There are many things that you can do to entertain yourself, such as reading novels, watching music, traveling, or sports. These activities are useful for easing the stress of the mind you experience after your broken heart. Making yourself happy can make you later motivated to move on.

3. Make peace with the situation

The next method of moving on is to make peace with the situation. You can feel sad and it's a normal thing. Generally, after crying you will feel more relieved, so you can be better prepared to move on.

slowly you will accept and forgive events that trigger you to break up with your ex. Don't look at past relationships as a failure, instead use it as a lesson so that later you are more careful in fostering bonds.

4. Overcoming Ex-Stalking

When a relationship has to end, the will to end thinking about an ex can only be realized if you end finding out. Either directly or through social media. A very accurate move on method is to stop staking. By not knowing the news, you can reduce your concern for what he is doing and can really move on.

Stalking your ex through social media will only make you continue to be bound by him. Stay away from doing this until your own lover says to end it. Do your life as well as you should without having to know your ex's life.

In addition, you also need to know 'Tips Ampuh Move On After Becoming a Ghosting Victim' so that your mental health can stabilize quickly.

So after knowing the ideal time to move on, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!