Allegedly Participating In Enjoying Her Husband's Corruption Money, Sandra Dewi Reported To The Attorney General's Office

JAKARTA - Celebrity Sandra Dewi was reported by a community organization on behalf of the Corruption Eradication Law Fighters Organization (PHPK) to the Indonesian Attorney General's Office on Tuesday, April 2.

Not without reason, Stein Siahaan as the representative of the PHPK said that this report was carried out because there was a suspicion that Sandra Dewi was involved in the corruption case of her husband, Harvey Moeis alias HM.

"So today we from the Corruption Eradication Law Warriors, we have signed the Attorney General's Office to file a public complaint regarding the involvement, there are allegations of Sandra Dewi's corruption related to the crime committed by her husband Harvey Moeis," said Stein Siahaan at the Indonesian Attorney General's Office, Tuesday, April 2.

"Aduan masyarakat agar Kejaksaan bisa mencari apakah Sandra Dewi terlibat. Karena menurut kami, seharusnya Sandra Dewi mengetahui dari mana suaminya mendapatkan penghasilan atau uang," sambungnya.

One of the things that convinced them that the 40-year-old artist was involved was evidence of the discovery of cash at Sandra Dewi and her husband's house which is now being confiscated by the Attorney General's Office investigators.

"If the income is not reasonable, it is questionable. Moreover, the Prosecutor's Office confiscated a lot of cash at the house concerned," he explained.

Therefore, Stein asked the Attorney General's Office to impose Articles of Money Laundering (TPPU) against Sandra and Harvey on the alleged involvement of Sandra Dewi.

"We ask the Attorney General's Office to immediately determine the Money Laundering Article against Harvey Moeis and automatically the Money Laundering Article affects Sandra Dewi, which Article 5 states that the person who received the flow of funds allegedly from the proceeds of the crime could be subject to a criminal penalty of 5 years and a fine of Rp. 1 billion," he concluded.