Police Arrest Husband Of Wife's House Burner In Pidie Aceh

BANDA ACEH - Joint Personnel Opsnal Sat Reskrim and Sat Intelkam Polres Pidie, Aceh arrested a man with the initials SA (39) who allegedly burned a permanent house belonging to his wife, Aminah Binti Kasem (40) in the local area.

"We have secured the perpetrator while at the house of his wife's relative in Gampong Mee, Batee District, Pidie Regency," said Pidie Police Chief, AKBP Imam Asfali, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, April 2.

The Aminah house fire occurred on Tuesday (19/3) in Gampong Mee Batee and after a chase, the perpetrator was finally arrested.

The SA suspect is currently being held at the Pidie Police Headquarters. But so far the cause of the burning of the house is not yet known because it is still under investigation.

"We have secured the SA and so far we are still investigating and further investigating the chronology of the incident," he said.

SA is a private worker from Padang Tiji District, Pidie Regency, and then married Aminah Binti Kasem, and they live together at Gampong Mee, Batee District.

"SA so far together with Aminah occupied the house that was burned, which was obtained from her first husband Aminah," he said.

For his actions, SA is temporarily subject to Article 187 of the Criminal Code, which anyone deliberately causes a fire, explosion or flood.

"The perpetrator is threatened with a maximum imprisonment of twelve years," said AKBP Imam Asfali.