What Is Talent Acquisition? Get To Know Jobdesk And The Difference With Recruiters

YOGYAKARTA - The position of talent acquisition is often found in job vacancies on LinkedIn and other platforms. Talent acquisition has an important role in a company. This position is usually under the Human Resource division (HR) or HR management.

A talent acquisition is tasked with finding the best workers or talents to be recruited by the company. Many think the talent acquisition position is the same as the recruitment section in the company. Although they are both related to the hiring process, both have some differences.

The profit talent acquisition is targeted by many fresh graduates, especially for those from graduates majoring in Psychology. The job opportunity for this position is also very wide open because many companies need it. As a jobseeker targets this profession, you should first understand what talent acquisition is and the responsibility of its work.

Talent acquisition is a person responsible for finding talented individuals for the company. Given that human resources (HR) are an important element in the company, the existence of talent acquisition is needed to be able to bring in the best talents.

Because the role of talent acquisition is crucial in building company performance, many companies prioritize this position over recruitment. A talent acquisition is tasked with identifying and recruiting talented employees who suit the company's needs.

From the jobseeker side, the presence of talent acquisition is also one of the entrances for prospective workers who want to join their dream company. The responsibility of a talent acquisition starts from the search for talented individuals, profiling, to entering the employee recruitment stage.

Currently, there are many companies that open vacancies for talent acquisition positions. A talent acquisition is also required to be able to approach and direct qualified talents to meet the needs of the company's human resources. This position does aim to make the employee search process more effective and efficient.

Talent acquisition carries a different jobdesk than a recruitment department worker. A talent acquisition not only brings in the best prospective employees, but also helps the company identify key performance factors, build source pools, and determine employee criteria.

For those of you who want to apply for work in this position, know a number of jobdesk talent assets as follows:

One of the important tasks of talent acquisition is to build interest among job seekers in order to be interested in applying for a company. This process is referred to as an inbound marketing. At this stage, they must be able to build the company's reputation or image as best they can.

A well-built company's reputation will attract the attention of potential employees. Jobseeker will think that working in the company is a good choice. Ways that can be done for inbound marketing, including compiling recruitment marketing campaigns and carrying out various activities related to the recruitment process.

A talent acquisition not only focuses on the company's internal affairs, but also has to move actively to find the best prospective workers. Jobdesk then the talent acquisition is an outbound marketing as a step to introduce the company to be glimpsed by jobseekers.

At this stage, talent acquisition will do some work to inform the public that companies are in need of manpower. Usually they will be tasked with installing attractive vacancies ads on job seekers such as sending job vacancies emails to targeted individuals, as well as looking for candidates from various job seek sites.

Jobdesk next for talent acquisition is filtering and selection. It's like a talent acquisition like a jury selecting candidate candidates who apply for a company. Of the many applicants, talent acquisitions must filter to find the list of the few most superior individuals.

In the process of filtering and selection, talent acquisition holds on to several criteria that have been set with the company. A number of indicators used for the selection of candidates include educational qualifications, skills, career goals, personality, and compatibility with company culture.

Talent acquisition is also tasked with converting and onboarding. So not only until the selection stage, a talent acquisition must also accompany new employees who have been received by the company.

You could say talent acquisition is an intermediary or mouthpiece between the company and the new employee. Talent acquisition will introduce and explain several things related to the company's policies to its work system. Some things that are usually discussed, namely the amount of salary provided, allowances received, caretaker path, to the onboarding program of new employees.

Talent acquisition work didn't stop just when employees started working at the company. Talent acquisition also still has to take care of continuous improvement in new employees. They are required to make sure the new employee feels comfortable, happy, and adapt quickly to the company. This process plays an important role in avoiding the exit of employees or resigns from the company for a number of reasons.

That's a review of what talent acquisition is in the company. This position has an important role in supporting the company's performance so that it can scale up and run optimally. A good talent acquisition must be able to find and bring in superior candidates according to the company's needs. Also read what frontliners are and their tasks are.

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