9 Foods That Are Prohibited From Being Stored In The Freezer
YOGYAKARTA Freezers are electronic devices that are often used to store food. Cool freezer temperatures can maintain quality and extend storage life. However, it turns out that there are several types of food that are prohibited from being stored in the freezer.
Foods that contain very high milk or water content should not be frozen in the freezer because it can change the consistency of the taste of these foods.
For more details, the following is a summary of information about foods that should not be stored in the freezer.
1. Canned food or packaged drinks
Canned foods and packaged drinks should not be stored in the freezer because they can explode and make a scene.
When food or canned drinks are put in the freezer, the liquid inside will expand. This will cause pressure on the can and make it burst.
2. Disbursed meat
Adapting Reader's Digest, melted frozen meat is prohibited from being stored in the freezer.
Disbursed frozen food can invite harmful bacteria. Instead of freezing it again, it is better if the meat is cooked and stored in the refrigerator for food later in the day.
3. Egg
Quoting All Recipes, raw eggs or boiled eggs are among the types of food that should not be stored in the freezer. This is because the inside of the eggs is a megembang that causes the eggshell to crack and beat when frozen.
4. Avocado
Next is avocado. This fruit is more delicious to eat in a fresh state than frozen in the freezer.
In addition, the color of avocado will also turn brown when disbursed. It also feels a littlecut and pahir.
5. Milk
Milk and its processed products can be damaged when stored in the freezer. The freezer cold temperature can separate fat from the liquid in milk.
Saving milk in the freezer is not only destructive, but also changes the consistency of the taste of the food or drink.
6. Cucumber
Cucumber is one of the foods that is high in water. This food is prohibited from being stored in the freezer, because its water content can freeze. This means, cucumber will not be eaten when put in the freezer.
7. Spices
Some kitchen spices such as cloves, peppers, and garlic will lose taste when stored in a refrigerator with temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius.
In order for the efficacy to be maintained, keep the spices in an open room.
8. Mayones
Menukil Martha Stewart, Anda tidak disintah menyimpan sekotek mayones di dalam freezer. Konsistensi mayones akan berubah ketika terfor.
In addition, foods made with mayones base ingredients stored in the freezer will become too soft and have a chewy texture like a sponge.
9. Selada and cabbage
Sedadan and cabbage are also included in the list of foods that are prohibited from being stored in the freezer. These vegetables contain high water content and when frozen and disbursed, lettuce and cabbage will lose their shape, becoming too watery, weak, and wilted.
That's information about food that is prohibited from being stored in the freezer. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.